What people says?

Our Kabbalah Amulet can change your life!!

*Although the rabbi has helped many people in the past as indicated in the testimonials below, it should be noted that kabbalah is not an exact science and therefore Rabbi Azulai cannot guarantee that his talismans will help you as well.

talisman testimonials

"My nephew Mathieu was sent to prison in South-Korea 14 years ago.

Every year, a committee is gathered and discusses his Parole, and every year the answer is negative. On July 2006, I turned to Rabbi Azulai with a request for help. Rabbi Azulai created a Talisman for Mathieu and instructed me to go to the court, hold the talisman in my left hand and pray. Two weeks afterwards, the committee has gathered and decided to release Mathieu.

I know for certain, that without the Rabbi’s help, Mathieu would have never been released.I want to thank Rabbi Azulai for his great help. I attached a picture of myself and Mathieu after his return to the US." (Joel Rubin)*

"For the past 10 years, my husband and I have been trying to have a baby without any success. We turned for help to Rabbi Azulai. The Rabbi sent us a talisman with specific instructions and after 6 months I got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I and my husband thank the Rabbi from the bottom of our heart, we will never forget him". (Sara Cohen)*

Dear Rabbi, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Since I received your talisman a few months ago, I have been able to focus on my studies and improve my grades in school. It has been a rough year for me and I must say that the talisman helped me get over it. I would also like to mention that I met a girl a few months ago (just like you said I would) and it has been pretty good since. I will make sure to update you on that matter. Once again, thank you for all the help. (Steve, Boston)*

"Please Thank Rabbi Azulai for the talisman that he made for me. Ever since, my life has improved and I found my true love"(Emily, NY)*

Dear Rabbi, Thank you very much for writing me a talisman. I and my teammates are extremely grateful for your help. Not only that we won the Big-East regular season, but we also won the Big-East tournament. In addition, I also managed to graduate from the University of Connecticut after all!!!

May god bless you and your family (Moshe, Connecticut).*

"Hello Rabbi, ever since I received the talisman, an evil eye curse that had been cast upon me was removed. God bless you!!" (Moses, WY).*

"Dear Rabbi, about 6 months ago I got from you the talisman for finding my soul mate. 2 Months ago, I met a special man and I'm now engaged to be married within 3 months! Thank you so much for your wonderful help and support" (Mary, FL).*

"Rabbi, I just wanted to say thank you, I found a job and now I can support my family in dignity" (James, TX).*

"My business began to flourish since the time I got your talisman and blessing. Thank you for everything" (Joshua, Canada).*

"God bless you Rabbi Azulai. Two and a half months ago my mom got ill with a serious illness and I turned to you for help. Since my mom received the talisman, her condition became much better. The doctors don't understand the reason for the improvement. Thank you for all the help and support" (Menachem, Australia).*

"About a month ago, I received the talisman you've made for me for finding a job. Since then, my life has changed. I finally found a job that provides for my family, god bless you rabbi" (Tom, TX).*

"Rabbi, thank you for the blessing and the talisman, my life had improved ever since" (Jerome, France). *

"Dear Rabbi, I get up every morning and pray according to the instruction you gave me, since my life have change for the best" (Mark, AK).*

"Rabbi, I just wanted to say thanks. 2 weeks ago I got the promotion at work, thank you for the talisman" (Raymond, CA).*

"Honored rabbi, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything. Two weeks ago my wife gave birth to a healthy boy. May the good lord bless you and the talismans you're making" (Andy, UK).*

"Rabbi, ever since I got the talisman, I feel so much better, despite the fact that I'm over 70 years old. With the talisman's help, I have not been to the doctor even once!" (Chris, CO).*

"I want to thank you rabbi for the talisman you've prepared for my little girl, she feels much better now." (Claus, Germany).*

Thanks so much for the talisman, I saw and felt the effects as soon as it arrived, it was wonderful to feel like a different person. My luck is changing for better and I feel protected from evil eye, it is incredible. Thanks to Rabbi Azulai! I appreciate it so much, I believe he does a great job ad he is a great man who tries to help everybody. Later on, I will try to get one for my husband and my mother as well – Mavis

I came across Rabbi Azulai’s website by chance. I was at the end of my tether after battling the government in a legal bid to recover 14 years of lost wages because of an industrial/work injury. I took my case to several independent bodies set up to deal with cases like mine, but every single one of them rejected my case out of hand, despite mountains of evidence and solid medical paperwork stating my case. On my knees, I approached the Rabbi for help, a last-ditch attempt at getting justice. The Rabbi agreed to help me and sent me my Talisman, which I wore according to his instructions. From rejecting me out of hand, from basically ignoring my case all down the line, a top Appeal Court Judge has, inexplicably, overturned all previous decisions and has, thankfully, found in my favor. I will now receive my lost wages and everything else that is due to me. There are no words available in the English language to express the exquisite gratitude I feel towards Rabbi Azulai for what he has done. This man is truly a modern-day worker of miracles. I am humbled to have received his help. – Peter*


Please, let the honorable Rabbi Azulai know that the amulet that he made for my career success has been fantastic. Right away I ordered it, even before I got it, things started to happen, colleagues in my field started to help me openly. People open up to collaborating with me. I have to say I was speechless but I knew that it was happening because there was Divine intervention through the especial power of G d and the amulet. I always keep the amulet close to me, and I thank the Rabbi for such wonderful help that is possible through his knowledge. I am wearing a red string I put myself but I would like to request a recurring prayer and also get the red string he prepares with his special prayers. Thank you very much. Angela*


I just want to thank Rabbi Azulai for the talisman he wrote for me. Ever since I received it I could feel the energy around me clear. The relationships that created havoc have been dealt with in a much more positive, effective way. I really appreciate the work that the Rabbi has done – Sara*  

Dear Rabbi Azulai, I am writing with tears in my eyes. I want to thank you for the   powerful evil eye Talisman you prepared for me 3 weeks ago. I wear it almost all the time and am very aware of its presence. I asked for success in my business and protection from the evil eye. I described to you my fears that something was wrong and that I was being held back by negative forces. A few days ago, I found out in the most random and shocking way, that the man I had hired for part-time "work for hire" had been doing extremist political work for a different group these past 4 months. Should the details of his work be known, it would have been extremely damaging to my reputation and my company. I immediately ended our relationship and am incredibly grateful and relieved that I discovered this terrible breach when I did, before it continued into something worse. Once again, thank you for the powerful protection talisman. – Rosa*  

  Hi Rabbi Azulai, I purchased a protection and Success Talisman from you a month ago. After a week or so of receiving the Talisman I noticed I feel more positive about my life and myself, my worries seem to disappear and it left me more focused and relaxed in mind body and spirit. Thank you so much for your help. I will definitely use your services again. Blessings- A*  

  I would like to send some news to Rabbi Azulai and to you since the work of the Prayers in order to help me create inner peace and bring my soul into balance. I should say that I am feeling much better. It's a great support to have the Rabbi's help. Since the Prayers, I felt the process of creating inner peace with the strength of the Prayers and I could see inner effects happening as well as clear directions. The directions in my material life and spiritual life are clearer and it's the first time of my life that it happens. It feels really good and brings contentment and inner peace. Moreover, I met some people at a Kabbalah Congress in France and all this made sense, the teaching lessons, the group and the study. I have potentially the opportunity to share with people who have the same interests. I feel very lucky that Rabbi Azulai and you prayed for me and very happy with the Rabbi's work. I feel really understood at a deeper level and truly helped and that's really rare. I also want to mention three things: self-esteem is coming back as well as communicating with some friends. It corresponds to two secret wishes that I had and I am truly glad to feel that again. It still needs to be strengthened but it really is better. Same thing with my mental health that is getting better, I can feel more balance and what a release!! Global health is so important as well as balance.*  

  Rabbi - Receiving the Love Talisman also brings inner peace and contentment and put things into order after only two weeks. I can feel that I am at a crossroad in my sentimental life and it feels good! I will let you know about what is coming.*  

  Dear Rabbi - I received the Talisman, and I wanted to share with you and the Rabbi, that before it arrived, my daughter and I felt the energies changing. I always have with me the King Solomon Talisman, and my daughter also carries her Talisman wherever she goes, of course not when we are attending a funeral or going to the cemetery. Thank you so much for all your help! - Fanny*  

Rabbi – I wanted to let you know that my financial situation is beginning to look a little brighter since I started a full time job yesterday and another job on a weekend. This will help me pay off my creditors and hopefully one day, I will be able to clear myself from debts. I am grateful and thankful for your prayers. Maria*

Hi there about 3 months ago I received my order of protection evil eye Talisman. My life has always felt that I was always put down and things have never worked out for me. I have tried other spells before but that was not powerful enough to block black magic. I came upon your website and I gave it a try. Since then I have been wearing my Protection I feel more at ease and no worries and feel all negative energy has vanished away. I feel I can move on with my life and do the things I want and believe in myself. I truly believe Israel is the holy land and I hope to one day visit there myself. I would encourage everyone else who might have a concern or a problem to try Kabbalah amulet or prayers. Thank you Rabbi Azulai

Elvis, Canada*

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