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Jewish holidays

Importance of Memorial and Independence Days in Israel

admin @ April 8, 2010 # One Comment

The way that israel celebrate the special days There are no three holidays in Jewish tradition that would be so important and so closely related to one another as Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom Hashoah), Israeli Memorial Day (Yom Hazikaron) and Israeli Independence Day (Yom Ha’atzmaut). Holocaust Memorial Day is a mournful holiday in which Jewish […]

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Jewish Passover: Holiday of Freedom

admin @ March 18, 2010 # Comments Off on Jewish Passover: Holiday of Freedom

Jewish Passover, or Pesach, is celebrated up to these days to keep alive the memory of the great liberation that took place in the Jewish history – the day when ancient Hebrew people cast off the yoke of Egyptians and became free with the help of God and the prophet Moses. The Jewish Passover celebrates […]

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